Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Published: Professional Benefits of an Undergraduate Degree in History

Health Benefits of Drumming

 Drumming as a hobby serves as an outlet for self-expression and personal development. For some people, drumming becomes a career. In any case, drumming provides several health benefits, physical and mental, supported by scientific studies.

Studies indicate that drumming helps with weight management. A project by Clem Burke, the drummer of the American rock band “Blondie,” studied the physical and psychological effects of drumming. The study found that one hour of drum playing can burn about 400 to 600 calories. In addition, drumming can also improve blood circulation and increase the heart rate. The University of Gloucestershire awarded Burke an honorary doctorate for this study.

In addition, drumming can produce long-lasting neuroendocrine or immunological effects that promote a person’s total well-being. Dr. Barry Bittman, neurologist and president of the Yamaha Music and Wellness Institute, wrote an article published by the US National Library of Medicine on the topic. The article stated that drumming can serve as an interventional activity and direct some neuroendocrine and neuroimmune parameters in a direction other than the stress response.

Lastly, drumming encourages the brain to release dopamine, the hormone that makes people happy and euphoric. The state relaxes individuals, placing them in better moods, mechanisms that help in coping with anxiety and depression.

Published: What is Inflation??

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